The Dollar Tree: What to Get, What to Skip

The Dollar Tree is a great place to find inexpensive goodies for your clients. I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite items to purchase at The Dollar Tree and what you should skip.


Holiday Items


I love holiday items! If they get broken or only last one season, I’m not sad at all. These foam pumpkins were a great find for $1! They’re a cute size, and they’re great for reusable crafts with clients!

Teacher Materials 



The Dollar Tree near my house has a great teacher section! I love this dry erase calendar (so cute) and these reminder bracelets!



There are so many different baskets and bins available for classroom storage or gift baskets! I’ve used some cute little tubs for gift baskets, and they’re great on shelves in your room.

Treat Bag Gifts 


There’s always a great selection of little goodies at the Dollar Tree. There are usually a few in a pack, and they always have a great selection of holiday-themed goodies for rewards or holiday gift bags.

Craft Materials 


Yes, it’s too early for Christmas, but I love these clear plastic ornaments. I picked two up to use for a client craft!




Skip the cheap crayons and get Crayola. These crayons are not worth it (they won’t last).

Off-brand White Out 


This never works quite as well as real White Out. Skip it.



I picked up some headphones in a pinch for my workout, and they were AWFUL. Y’all, don’t even bother with these. They don’t stay in, and the sound quality is awful.

What are some of your Dollar Tree skip it or get it items? Have a terrific Tuesday!

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